For all those ‘50 something ‘ ladies out there, have you been bothered with pain at the base of your thumb when you pinch, open a jar or weed the garden? Have you mentioned this to… Read more Some help for ladies with thumb pain

For all those ‘50 something ‘ ladies out there, have you been bothered with pain at the base of your thumb when you pinch, open a jar or weed the garden? Have you mentioned this to… Read more Some help for ladies with thumb pain
Netball, being one of the most popular organised sports in Victoria, is unfortunately the culprit for a significant number of finger injuries seen by us at Peninsula Hand Therapy. Have you ever thought “It’s just a… Read more Common Finger Injuries in Netball
Those with the gift of artistry- be it music, painting, or craft- know the pleasure of creating something beautiful with their own hands. After all, creativity opens our minds, brings us joy, and allows us to… Read more Are you artistic? Do you have thumb pain?
Does ‘Downward Dog’ cause you wrist pain? Interesting fact… those of us who are naturally flexible often gravitate to doing things that require flexibility like gymnastics and Yoga. Being flexible isn’t the same thing as being… Read more Preventing Wrist Pain in Yoga, Pilates & Gym