Peninsula Hand Therapy has been using Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) in assisting the rehabilitation of its patients over the last five years. We have recently upgraded our Laser equipment to a state-of-the-art ‘super pulsed’ 904 Laser Pen and a Poly Laser Cluster. This allows our therapists to target very specific areas with a deeper depth of penetration, such as smaller joints of the wrist and hand, as well as larger areas, such as the elbow and shoulder.
LLLT or ‘Cold’ Laser, as it is sometimes known, is low intensity light that penetrates deeply through skin to target the tissue below with no heating effect, thereby making it a painless, non-invasive, side-effect free, Photobiomodulation of injured tissue. This makes it very suitable to treat musculoskeletal injuries, chronic pain and can be used as a modern version of acupuncture. Effects are immediate but for best long-term results it is recommended that LLLT be performed over six sessions. Dedicated Laser only sessions can be arranged for specific Laser therapy or treatment can be worked into a regular consultation with no additional cost. Laser is best used at the beginning of a treatment as it relaxes and prepares soft tissue to optimise the benefit from other manual therapies, as well as reducing pain during treatment and exercise.
LLLT improves healing timeframes, especially in slow to heal wounds or avascular structures, such as ligament and tendon. Laser is very proficient at assisting the reorganisation of collagen fibres in scar tissue to improve the comfort, pliability and cosmesis of scars.
LLLT is used daily in our practice to assist with:
- Acceleration of healing timeframes for soft tissue conditions and fractures
- Reduction of pain and inflammation
- Relaxation of muscles prior to manual therapy
- Trigger point release