PHT are currently involved in assisting GenesisCare recruit patients with Dupuytren’s Disease for their research study called ‘DEPART’.
This study assesses people in two settings: those who have early stages of the Dupuytren’s Disease, and those who have contractures. For people with a relatively flat hand (Stage 0), radiotherapy may help stop contractures from developing. For people with contractures (Stage 1 onwards), following treatment such as surgery, Collagenase or an Aponeurotomy, radiotherapy may help prevent the contracture from returning.

It is the first trial of its kind and aims to assess the safety and effectiveness of radiotherapy compared with standard observation. Many conditions can affect the hands, and we often see people with Dupuytren’s as well as other conditions at the same time. If there is any doubt, it may be helpful to see a Hand Surgeon to help confirm the diagnosis.
On DEPART, half of the participants are observed, which is standard of care. The other half receive 10 outpatient radiotherapy treatments. The trial is randomized, meaning that a process similar to tossing a coin decides whether a participant gets observed or receives radiotherapy, as this is the best way to determine if radiotherapy is of any benefit.
All participants are carefully followed by a local hand therapist every 6-12 months for up to 5 years.
The DEPART trial is currently recruiting at GenesisCare sites located at:
-Newcastle & Concord (Sydney), NSW
-Frankston, VIC
-South Terrace & Tennyson, SA
For more information please contact: or at the link below.